Theresa Lillis & Mary Jane Curry – The politics of academic text production: language, locality, knowledge

Srdečne Vás pozývame na ústavný seminár s názvom „The politics of academic text production: language, locality, knowledge „, na ktorom privítame naše zahraničné hostky Theresu Lillis (The Open University, UK) a Mary Jane Curry (Associate Professor, University of Rochester, US). Seminár prebehne v angličtine a jeho témou bude prezentácia základných zistení longitudinálneho výskumu o akademickom písaní v medzinárodnom prostredí. Štúdia sledovala desiatky odborných textov v národnom i anglickom jazyku zo štyroch neanglofónnych krajín.


Seminár sa uskutoční online dňa 27.9.2021 o 15:00. V prípade záujmu o účasť, prosíme vyplňte jednoduchý formulár:
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Nazov: The politics of academic text production: language, locality, knowledge

Autorky: Theresa Lillis, Emeritus Professor, The Open University, UK & Mary Jane Curry, Associate Professor, University of Rochester, US

This presentation centres on a longitudinal research project, Professional Academic Writing in a Global Context (PAW) which explores the writing for publication practices of 50 psychology and education scholars, based in four distinct national contexts, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, and Portugal. The project has involved extensive data collection over 20 years including interviews, observational and textual data centering on scholars’ experiences with, and perspectives on, their writing of English-medium texts for publication.

The presentation will offer a brief summary of key findings followed by a focus specifically on the following question: does the ‘language’ or ‘English’ of an article submitted for publication play a significant part in ‘uptake’, that is, in shaping reviewers’ and editors’ responses and evaluation. Drawing on 95 ‘text histories’ from the PAW project we will analyse the language ideologies enacted in referees’ and editors’ comments on articles submitted for publication in English-medium ‘international’ journals. We will consider how orientations to ‘English’, ‘language’ and ‘language work’ are enacted in practices of reviewer uptake and the consequences of such practices for knowledge production, evaluation and circulation.

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