Martina Wilsch: Her migration – Slovak Care Workers in Austria Through the Lens of Transnationalism

Srdečne Vás pozývame na ústavný seminár s názvom „Her migration: Slovak Care Workers in Austria Through the Lens of Transnationalism“, kde bude našou hosťkou Martina Wilsch, PhD., z Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.. Seminár bude v anglickom jazyku. Prosíme Vás o sprostredkovanie tejto informácie aj vašim kolegom a kolegyniam. Seminár sa uskutoční online formou.

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Her migration: Slovak Care Workers in Austria Through the Lens of Transnationalism

Martina Wilsch, PhD., Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.

Pondelok, 11.12.2023, 14:00, online

Short annotation: The migration of Slovak care workers, particularly women, to Austria for the provision of paid 24-hour care to older adults has emerged as a significant phenomenon in Slovakia over the past three decades. At its zenith, more than 30,000 women sustained themselves through this occupation, periodically departing from their families in Slovakia, typically for 2 to 3 weeks, before returning home for an equivalent duration. Drawing on my extensive research, this presentation delves into the realm of transnational care migration from Slovakia to Austria, examining it through the lens of transnationalism during a period marked by concurrent crises—the care crisis and the pandemic. Moreover, it explores broader contexts encompassing social processes and transnational interactions, considering their implications for social institutions, global inequalities, and conflicts. The theoretical underpinning of the lecture rests on the anthropology of care, transnational migration, conceptual frameworks surrounding cross-border migration of care, and the crisis of care.