First Scientific Experience with Second Ethnicity Declaration

Srdečne Vás pozývame na ústavný seminár s názvom „First Scientific Experience with Second Ethnicity Declaration“. Naši kolegovia Juraj Majo z Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie, v.v.i. a Barbara Lášticová z Ústavu výskumu sociálnej komunikácie v.v.i. predstavia výsledky svojej nedávnej štúdie zameranej na zavedenie možnosti deklarovania druhej etnicity v rámci Sčítania obyvateľov, domov a bytov 2021 na Slovensku, a na socio-demografické poznatky ktoré odhaľuje o etnickej identite a dynamike skupín na Slovensku. Seminár bude v angličtine.

Prosíme Vás o sprostredkovanie tejto informácie aj vašim kolegom a kolegyniam. Seminár sa uskutoční 3.2.2025 o 13:00 hybridnou formou (ÚVSK + online).

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Abstract: Historically, ethnicity declarations have been a subject of significant interest. The data associated with such declarations have often been contested, with their interpretation frequently serving various, primarily political, purposes. A notable innovation in the 2021 census process in Slovakia was the introduction of an option for individuals to declare a second ethnicity. In this presentation, we discuss the initial data and various socio-demographic contexts derived from the Census 2021. The insights from these data reveal deeper characteristics of specific ethnic groups in Slovakia. From a theoretical perspective, we examine the potential reasons why individuals and entire groups may choose to declare more than one ethnicity.