vedecká pracovníčka (currently on maternity leave)
Mgr. Lucia Hargašová, PhD.
Social psychologist, currently works as a researcher and scientific secretary at the Institute for Research in Social Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The main research topics include parental and educational roles, substitute parenting, attitudes towards minorities and their inclusion. She is a member of Slovak and international research teams: she has been involved in the DJ Justice - PolRom and ENGAGE projects that research on reducing anti-Gypsyism; surrogate parenting is investigated in the VEGA project on families with biological and non-biological relationships; quality of life in partner relationships is addressed in the APVV project. She is the co-author of the monographs "Traditional and Alternative Parenting in the 21st Century: Motivations, Dilemmas and Consequences" (2021), "Quality of Life of Children and Young People in Residential Care" (2017), and several articles in scientific or scholarly journals. Her dissertation focused on exploring parental and teacher roles in school settings. In 2018 she took a scholarship at the Strathclyde University, Glasgow (Centre for Excellence for Looked after Children in Scotland).