National Projects

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Recognising and managing the boundaries of the unwanted in intimacy and sexuality
Duration: 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2028
Evidence number: 2/0072/25
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Bianchi Gabriel, PhD., DrSc.
SAS cosolvers: prof. PaedDr. Prokop Pavol, DrSc., Mgr. Šudila Žilinská Miroslava, PhD.
Annotation: The research project builds on the previous research findings of the two principal investigators in the field of sexuality,intimacy and sexual health. It consists of three partial empirical studies, the first of which builds onLimits in sexual interaction publication (Bianchi, G., Fuskova, J., 2018), which resulted in a statement of the need forfurther exploration of the internal incongruence and incongruence of sexual scripts of sexual actors andpartners and the relationship to sexual subjectivity (especially women). The second study is an empirical proof of conceptof extimation, the antithesis of intimacy, which is based on the neopsychoanalytic theory of J. Lacan, introduced into the field ofmental health by S.Tisseron (2002, 2011); the opening of intimate contents to social and partnerspace is accompanied by the risk of self-image threat, shame, guilt and social rejection and normativechallenges to the liminality of sexuality. A third study verifies the evolutionary influence on aggression in sexual interaction -Recognition of the sexual vocalization of an imagined person.
Exploring the Pathways of Parenthood: Well-being, Co-Parenting, and Normativity in Single and Blended Families
Duration: 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2028
Evidence number: 2/0108/25
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Popper Miroslav, CSc.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Hargašová Lucia, PhD., Mgr. Kővérová Estera, PhD., Mgr. Očenášová Zuzana, PhD., Mgr. Petrjánošová Magda, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims to explore parenting in the two fastest growing family forms, which are single-parent and blended families. It also focuses on the continued involvement of both biological parents in child rearing following the dissolution of the original familial unit, that can constitute of different arrangements, and opens up challenges inherent in co-parenting. As these changes are taking place in a certain structural and normative context, the project will also map the expert knowledge and insights of family practitioners vis-a-vis these modes of co-parenting. The main aim of the project is to analyse the different forms of parenting and co-parenting, the positives and negatives of parenting strategies, investigate their impact on the well-being of children and parents, and how individual family members perceive and redefine normative roles. At the same time, the project will focus on the extent to which family policy instruments reflect the current needs of different family forms.
Learning from intimate relationships among young adults in Slovakia: the role of relationship types and cognitive rigidity
Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number: 2/0173/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kallová Nikola, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: prof. PhDr. Lukšík Ivan, CSc., Mgr. Prošek Tomáš, PhD.
Other cosolvers: Lichner Vladimí
Annotation: The project aims to use a longitudinal mixed design to capture changes in reported learning from intimate relationships among young adults in Slovakia and the role played by relationship types and changes in relationships, cognitive rigidity, and cultural models. The phenomenon of learning from intimate relationships (LIR), that is, changes in thinking and behavior mediated by relational experience, facilitates both increased relational quality and relational development. Thus, it represents an application potential for both educational and clinical practice. However, several areas of this phenomenon are as yet uncharted. The present project builds on the APVV project 18-0303 on the topic of intimate relationships, which also resulted in a qualitative exploratory study on LIV. These findings are to be used in the project to develop and validate an instrument to measure LIV, which is lacking in the scientific discourse, and to fill other research gaps.
The Role of Self-Regulated Learning Across Educational Stages
Duration: 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number: 2/0065/25
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Urban Marek, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Brziak Matúš, doc., PhDr. Jančík Petrová Zuzana, PhD., Mgr. Šebáň Peter, PhD., Mgr. Urban Kamila, PhD., prof. PhDr. Zápotočná Oľga, CSc.
Annotation: This research project aims to investigate the mechanisms through which self-regulated learning (SRL) influencesreading literacy and problem-solving skills across different educational stages, from preschool to university.Despite the established importance of SRL in educational psychology, comprehensive applications from earlyeducation through higher learning remain fragmented. Our project addresses this gap by exploring how earlyliteracy skills and advanced problem-solving abilities interact with and impact SRL, enhancing learning across thelifespan. By combining experimental, correlational, and mixed-methods studies, this project aims to offer anuanced understanding of SRL\'s role in promoting reading literacy and problem-solving capabilities, therebypaving the way for more effective teaching and learning strategies adaptive to the needs of learners at differentstages of their education.
NORCIS - The interplay of social norms, intergroup contact, and social identities in shaping solidarity on behalf of disadvantaged groups
Duration: 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number: APVV-23-0119
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Lášticová Barbara, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Mikhina Elena, Mgr. Poslon Xenia Daniela, PhD., Mgr. Prošek Tomáš, PhD., Mgr. Urban Kamila, PhD.
Other cosolvers: Andrej Findor, Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied UK v Bratislave
Annotation: Tolerance and respect are prerequisites for a fair and equal society. Yet, people belonging to disadvantaged groups often fall beyond our scope of moral considerations, and discriminatory attitudes severely impact their lives. Hence social scientists have focused on studying various determinants and behavioural consequences of these attitudes. Yet empirical research investigating the relationship between perceived social norms, intergroup contact and solidarity actions has been scarce. The project aims to address the complex interplay of social norms, intergroup contact, identity and socio-cognitive processes in Slovakia, and their impact on intergroup solidarity and hostility on behalf of three disadvantaged groups – Roma, LGBTQ+, and Ukrainian refugees – who represent the most salient societal outgroups in Slovakia and differ in the levels and nature of intergroup contact and prevalent social norms shaping the perceptions of their solidarity deservingness. Building on the socio-cognitive approach and insights of social identity perspective, we understand social norms as socially shared phenomena arising from ingroup identification processes, which describe and prescribe appropriate attitudes and behaviors. Through rigorous mixed-method research (discourse analysis, focus groups, surveys, experiment) we aim to map various aspects of what is communicated by social norms (political discourse), what is in turn perceived and experienced (subjective perceptions of norms and feelings), how it translates into cognitive representations on the individual level (socio-cognitive and identity mechanisms), and what consequences it has for intergroup relations (e.g., solidarity and hostility). We will also explore the heterogeneity in support for these disadvantaged groups that can be linked to individual differences and stereotypes ascribed to these groups and their status positions within Slovak society.
RAWSP - Resiliency, agency and well-being of single parent families in Slovakia
Duration: 1. 9. 2024 - 31. 8. 2027
Evidence number: APVV-23-0102
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Popper Miroslav, CSc.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Kővérová Estera, PhD., Mgr. Očenášová Zuzana, PhD., Mgr. Petrjánošová Magda, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to map the living conditions, well-being, agency and resiliency of single-parent householdsin Slovakia headed not only by members of the majority population, but also refugees from Ukraine. The refugeepopulation has been included, as in the following years further waves of refugees can be expected in Europe dueto war conflicts and climate change and intersectionality of single-parenting and the refugee status is insufficientlystudied. Single parent families are at risk of inadequate resources (lack of income, time needed to take care offamily and household and flexibility), poor employment (low income and precarious conditions) and insufficientpolicies (to ensure children’s standard of living), which are interconnected. To enrich international research,intersectional aspects such as gender, refugee status and geographical location will be taken into consideration. Inorder to address these issues we will incorporate several research methods: a) in depth descriptive demographicanalysis of the situation of Slovak single-parent households combining sources from various existent datasets; b)original quantitative survey of Slovak single parents aiming at presenting a complex picture of single-parent households in Slovakia regarding their demographic profile, socio-economic status, housing, employment, well-being, and co-parenting arrangements; c) qualitative in-depth interviews with Slovak single mothers and fathers,adult children raised in single-parent households, and Ukrainian refugee mothers investigating personal resiliencestrategies and agency in various social and individual contexts. In addition to new theoretical and empirical results, the project has an ambitions to produce recommendations to policy makers, civil society organizations as well as single parents in order to promote more ways of support to this group.
ELISIT - Enhancing Literacy Skills through Teacher Strategy Instruction: A Longitudinal Study
Duration: 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number: APVV-23-0184
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Urban Kamila, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Brziak Matúš, doc., PhDr. Jančík Petrová Zuzana, PhD., Mgr. Šebáň Peter, PhD., PhDr. Urban Marek, PhD., prof. PhDr. Zápotočná Oľga, CSc.
Other cosolvers: Mg
Annotation: This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher-led strategy instruction intervention focused on enhancing literacy skills in 3rd and 4th grade students. The intervention will involve teacher training in implementation of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies into their classroom instruction over one academic year. The project employs a randomized controlled trial design, with students assessed at multiple time points (pre-test, mid-test, post-test, and delayed post-test). The overarching goal is to analyze the impact of this ecologically valid intervention on students\' strategic reading behavior, metacognitive skills, reading comprehension, and reading self-efficacy. Additionally, the project will evaluate how providing strategy instruction affects teachers themselves. Quantitative data will be supplemented with in-depth qualitative interviews targeting the teacher\'s experience during the intervention, in order to gain a comprehensive understanding. This basic research project provides crucial longitudinal data on real-world applications of evidence-based literacy practices into elementary classrooms.
GAME-CHANGER - From Game to Reality: Enhancing Knowledge Transfer in Computer-Based Learning Environments
Duration: 1. 9. 2024 - 31. 8. 2026
Evidence number: 09I03-03-V04-00423
Program: Plán obnovy EÚ
Project leader: Mgr. Urban Kamila, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Kakimova Ainur, MA, PhDr. Urban Marek, PhD.
Annotation: Reading comprehension plays a vital role in reducing inequalities, yet traditional classroom practices often fail to provide adequate comprehension instruction, especially for students from disadvantaging environments. This project led by Dr. Kamila Urban goes beyond current educational approaches by developing and validating complex problem-solving tasks grounded in realworld issues (such as climate change, pollution, the energy crisis) for a gamebased learning environment, Missions with Monty. Missions with Monty is a unique, curriculum-aligned game-based learning environment that combines an engaging narrative, educational science texts, reading strategy training, and adaptive feedback to foster scientific literacy and metacognition in primary and secondary school students. Embedding high-level transfer activities within this curriculum-aligned, metacognitively-enhanced computer-based platform fosters knowledge application and divergent thinking, allowing students to efficiently transfer knowledge acquired in schools to their everyday lives. This innovative integration of complex tasks represents a pioneering step in educational technology with immense potential to enhance learning, problemsolving skills, and lifelong outcomes for all students. Dr. Urban’s expertise in literacy development and metacognition makes her uniquely qualified to spearhead this research. Conducting the project at the Institute for Research in Social Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences will provide access to leading experts in literacy research in Slovakia, as well as research infrastructure and already established collaborations with schools to propel impactful advances in reducing educational inequalities through the implementation of innovative educational technologies.
Antecedents of intergroup solidarity in the context of societal crises: a mixed method approach
Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: 2/0102/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Lášticová Barbara, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Mikhina Elena, Mgr. Poslon Xenia Daniela, PhD., Mgr. Prošek Tomáš, PhD., MSc. Zaman Sadia, MPhil.
Annotation: Societal crises such as Covid-19 pandemics have shown inspiring acts of solidarity, but have also contributed to deepening of differences between advantaged and disadvantaged groups and, in some cases, to worsening of intergroup relations as a result of increased perceptions of threat. The project aims to investigate what predicts and what prevents solidarity on behalf of different groups. While intergroup contact might increase solidarity on behalf of disadvantaged groups in advantaged groups and inspire them to act as allies in mobilizing for social change, perceived intergroup harmony resulting from positive contact might prevent collective action in disadvantaged groups. System justification, on the other hand, in both minority and majority members inhibits participation in system-challenging collective action. This project draws on SIMCA model of collective action, intergroup contact and system justification theories to investigate cognitive, emotional, ideological, as well as behavioral antecedents and outcomes of solidarity towards the Roma and the immigrants. We use mixed-methods research design: interviews with minority and majority activists, questionnaire data and experiments.
What makes “them” worthy of our help? Socio-cognitive antecedents of attitudes and intergroup solidarity towards refugees from Ukraine and the Roma
Duration: 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: APD0112
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: Mgr. Poslon Xenia Daniela, PhD.
Annotation: Previous research has shown that the majority population tends to differentiate between groups of disadvantaged people based on the deservingness of our help and solidarity. The lack of support and indifference towards disadvantaged groups could be due to distance perceived by drawing psychological boundaries between different groups, and cognitive representations of zero-sum scenario between “us” and “them”, which are connected to feelings of threat. The aim of the present project is to investigate socio-cognitive antecedents of attitudes and intergroup solidarity towards refugees from Ukraine and the Roma. Study 1 will investigate whether inclusive identities are associated with higher moral considerations and solidarity. In Study 2, we will experimentally manipulate cognitive representations of social identities with the aim to decrease psychological distance and increase acceptance and support for disadvantaged groups. Examining conditions of our concern and solidarity, and how it may be increased, is important for promoting the welfare and integration of refugees from Ukraine and of the Roma.
Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: VEGA 2/0063/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Šudila Žilinská Miroslava, PhD.
SAS cosolvers: Mgr. Poláková Viera, Mgr. Valkovičová Veronika, PhD.