John Nietfeld: Encouraging Self-Regulated Learning in Game-Based Environments

Join us on our next institution webinar “Encouraging Self-Regulated Learning in Game-Based Environments” by John Nietfeld, professor at North Carolina State University. Webinar will be in English, and it will focus on the possibilities of improving self-regulated learning in game-based environments.


Webinar will take place on 19.4.2021 o 15:00. In case you would like to attend, please fill out the registration form.

About the webinar:

This presentation will describe my efforts over the past 15 years to encourage effective self-regulated learning with children in digital game-based learning environments. Self-regulated learning can be described as the effective regulation of one’s own learning in the pursuit of personal goals. It is a multi-faceted construct involving the coordination of cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and affective facets. Encouraging the many components of self-regulation is no easy task, however digital game-based environments offer the promise of providing real-time feedback, customized scaffolds, trace data, creative narratives, and gamified contexts from which to encourage engagement. I will describe both results from prior projects and also an overview of our current project, Missions with Monty, that is attempting to encourage science literacy with 5th grade students.