You are cordially invited to the Institute’s seminar entitled “When One Door Closes, Another Opens: Compensating Across Dual Identity Goals to Maintain Self-Completeness “. Our colleague Sadia Zaman will discuss her research on how individuals creatively pursue alternative identity goals to maintain a sense of self when primary identity aspirations become unattainable, highlighting insights from symbolic self-completion theory. The seminar will be in English.
Please feel free to pass this information to your colleagues. The seminar will take place on 3.3.2024 at 14:00 in a hybrid format (UVSK + online).
If you are interested in online participation, please fill in the simple form:
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You will receive the access data for the online meeting on the day of the seminar. The maximum number of participants outside the UVSK SAV is 50 people.
Author background: Sadia Zaman recently joined the Institute for Research in Social Communication v.v.i. Slovak Academy of Sciences as a researcher. The presented work builds on research conducted during her time as a doctoral scholar and research assistant at SWPS University in Poland. The findings are part of a broader project on the identity goals paradigm, conducted in collaboration with the NCN and DFG under the Beethoven Project (2020–2024). Her research focuses on identity goal conflicts and gender from a motivation and social psychology perspective, with findings contributing to both her scholarly publications and PhD dissertation.